Humidity is a Beast – How to Prevent it from Entering Your Home

technician covering ac duct

It’s already tough to get cool during hot summer days, but when you add humidity to the mix it becomes nearly impossible. Fortunately, you can take steps in combination with your air conditioning system to cut down on humidity in your home and keep it an oasis of cool in the midst of summer. What is humidity? Humidity is the … Read More

AC Inspection and Why this is Critical Before the Humidity Rises

The combination of humidity and heat is one well-known to Rochester residents in the summer. Humidity makes it even harder to get cool on hot summer days, making the air feel clammy and the heat even more intense. But what you might not know is that humidity not only makes your body’s cooling system less effective, it also decreases the … Read More

Ductless AC is the New Up and Coming Trend – Here’s Why

cartoon boy siting on couch in the winter

Maybe you’ve heard of ductless AC and are wondering what all the hype is about. Maybe you’re looking for a more energy efficient cooling system. Or maybe you just stumbled on this page by accident. Whatever your reason, we’re here to tell you about the newest trend in the HVAC industry: ductless units. Ductless heating or air conditioning units consist … Read More

What Not to Do When Your AC is Running to Prevent Overheating

man standing next to Paris Heating & Cooling truck

Your air conditioner is up and running for the summer, it seems like everything is running smoothly, and then you come home one day to find your house hot and humid. Your air conditioner overheated. It’s not an issue anyone wants to deal with, especially in the middle of a heat wave. But if you take some simple steps to … Read More